Teaching Material on Linght Pollution

This Didactic Unit reviews the basic lines of the Cities at Night project and highlights the potential of satellite images to locate sources of light pollution and follow its evolution over time.

This teaching material will allow you to work in the classroom with high school students with ages around 14 years old. It is divided into two parts, the first one is intended for the educator so we present this citizen science project and the didactical unit methodology.

The second one is intended for young students and includes general content about light pollution, its negative effects and basic recommendations to improve lighting inside and outside home.

The text includes activities to reinforce the concepts, with their solutions to be checked by teachers, as well as some links with more information.

This teaching unit has been prepared by Lucía García, Alejandro Sánchez and Miguel Ángel Queiruga. Layout by Daniel Lisbona. This material is published under a Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 ES license, it is free access and may be shared, copied and modified with attribution of the authorship.